Portland Hiring Report 2019 

Mac's List surveyed more than 100 local employers. Here's what they want from candidates in 2019.

Download the free report today.

The best way to get a job is to understand the employer's needs! In this free survey report, you'll learn what HR pros really think about the local hiring market. More than 100 Portland hiring managers share their biggest challenges. And they tell us what qualities they look for in applicants, so you know what to highlight in your next application or interview.

What's Inside The Report

- Candidates are in demand: A majority of employers surveyed report declining application rates and more difficulty finding qualified candidates. 

- Widespread hiring challenges: Employers cited a lack of both diverse and qualified candidates as the top challenges they’re experiencing. 

- Increase in job openings: Sixty percent of employers surveyed are intending to add new positions in 2019.